About Me

My photo
I am passionate about the written language. I love writing, reading, reviewing, selling and promoting books. I am an independent bookseller with over 20 years of experience in the book trade. Together with my partners, I actively aim to improve our bookstore's range and services to better reflect the needs of our community and clientele. In 2008, my memoir 'Under A Starless Sky' was published by Hachette, Australia. Since then, I had a short story 'Jasmine Petals' published in 'Stories of Belonging' (Finch) and in 2013, released my first full-length novel, The Russian Tapestry, also by Hachette. I am currently writing my second novel. I strive daily to improve my skills and stretch the limits of my craft. My love of books has naturally lead to reviewing. You can follow me on Twitter @B_Serov, Facebook www.facebook.com/BanafshehSerov and Goodreads www.goodreads.com/author/show/1429016.Banafsheh_Serov

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Your Bookshop - Top 100 List 2013

TOP 100 List
1. A Game Of Thrones (Martin)
2. The Book Thief (Zusak)
3. The Harry Potter Series (Rowling)
4. To Kill A Mockingbird (Lee)
5. Fault In Our Stars (Green)
6. And The Mountains Echoed (Hosseini)
7. Life Of Pi (Mantel)
8. Gone Girl (Flynn)
9. Burial Rites (Kent)
10. Wolf Of Wallstreet (Belfort)
11. All That I Am (Funder)
12. Storyteller (Picoult)
13. Call In The Midwife (Worth)
14. Cloudstreet (Winton)
15. Inferno (Brown)
16. Rosie’s Project (Simsion)
17. Light Between Oceans (Stedman)
18. Mortal Instruments (Clare)
19. Wolf Hall (Mantel)
20. The Great Gatsby (Fitzgerald)
21. Perks Of Being A Wallflower (Chbosky)
22. The Cuckoo Calling (Galbraith)
23. Jasper Jones (Silvey)
24. The Boy In Striped Pyjamas (Boyne)
25. I Am Number Four (Lore)
26. The Slap (Tsiolkas)
27. The Ocean At The End Of The Lane (Gaiman)
28. Killing Floor (Child)
29. Earthsea Quartet (Le Guin)
30. Steve Jobs (Jobs)
31. The Alchemist (Coelho)
32. Twilight (Meyer)
33. The Russian Tapestry (Serov)
34. The Help (Stockett)
35. Watching You (Robotham)
36. The Good Life (Mackay)
37. Of Mice And Men (Steinbeck)
38. The Night Circus (Morgenstern)
39. Life Without Limits (Vujiac)
40. Hunger Games (Collins)
41. Blood Money (Small)
42. The Catcher In The Rye (Salinger)
43. Shadow Of The Wind (Zafon)
44. The Magician (Feist)
45. Beautiful Disaster (Maquire)
46. All Quiet On The Western Front (Remarque)
47. Bat (Nesbo)
48. The Bronz Horseman (Simons)
49. Marching Powder (Young)
50. Nine Days (Jordan)
51. Scarecrow (Reilly)
52. Under The Dome (King)
53. Life (Richards)
54. Lolita (Nabokov)
55. Change Your Thinking (Edelman)
56. The Curious Incident Of Dog In The Night (Haddon)
Your Bookshop Fiction wall
57. The Secret River (Grenville)
58. Someone Else’s Daughter (Shephard)
59. How To Win Friends & Influence People (Carnegie)
Your Bookshop Top 100 List
60. The Pillars Of The Earth (Follet)
61. Breakfast At Tiffany’s (Capote)
62. The Prophet (Gibran)
63. Shantaram (Roberts)
64. Bossypants (Fey)
65. 1984 (Orwell)
66. Divergent (Roth)
67. Act Like A Lady, Think Like A Man (Harvey)
68. Lord Of The Rings (Tolkin)
69. The Passage (Cronin)
70. A Fortunate Life (Facey)
71. Immortal Life Of Henrietta Lacks (Skloot)
72. The Hobbit (Tolkin)
73. The Street Sweeper (Perlman)
74. The Road (Mccarthy)
75. The Notebook (Sparks)
76. Total Recall (Schwarzenegger)
77. The Other Hand (Cleave)
78. Catch 22 (Heller)
79. March (Brooks)
80. The Dinner (Koch)
81. Eureka (Fitzsimons)
82. Crossfire (Day)
83. Seriously I’m Kidding (Degeneres)
84. Iq84 (Murakami)
85. Ancient Future Series (Harding)
86. Standing In Another Man’s Grave (Rankin)
87. The Old Man And The Sea (Hemmingway)
88. A Week In Winter (Binchy)
89. City Of Thieves (Benioff)
90. Fight Club (Palahniuk)
91. Paris (Rutherford)
92. Unnatural Habits (Greenwood)
93. Down Under (Bryson)
94. Rocks In The Belly (Bauer)
95. Qf32 (De Crespigny)
96. Whiskey Beach (Roberts)
97. Sherlock Holmes (Doyle)
98. Fever (Keane)
99. Alex Cross (Patterson)
100. Art Of War (Tzu)

Order books online at www.yourbookshop.net.au
or see the range in store.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Your Bookshop Presents Ricky Ponting

Australian cricketing legend, Ricky Ponting will visit Westpoint - Blacktown (17 Patrick St, Blacktown, New South Wales) on Saturday 14th of December to sign copies of his book, 'At the Close of Play' for Your Bookshop.

The signing kicks off on The Stage, Level FOUR at 3:30pm. Ricky will be on stage to sign copies of his book, meet his fans and pose for pictures.
PLUS everyone who purchases a copy of Ricky's book, goes in a draw to win a SIGNED cricket bat!!
Winner will be drawn by YB staff after the event.

If you can't make the event but still would like a signed copy, contact us via email
info@yourbookshop.net.au or call YB Westpoint on 02- 9622 7827

Please note:
 This is a book signing for customers of Your Bookshop. Ricky will sign one other item with the purchase of every book. Books from other retailers or memorabilia without a book purchase will not be signed.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Julie Goodwin at Ryde Library with Your Bookshop

YB Poster advertising the event

YB setting displaying Julie's books at the event

On a clear Friday Autumn afternoon, the folks of Ryde were treated to a very special visitor to their library.
Julie Goodwin, Australia's first Master Chef, visited Ryde Library to promote her latest cookbook, 'Gather'.

Julie spoke candidly about her family life, her experiences on Master Chef and inspirations behind her bestselling cookbooks.

Afterwards, Julie met her fans and signed copies of her book. One lucky entrant won a copy of Julie's Gather.
YB's Bonnie with Julie

Setting up before the event

The wall of recipes where one lucky entrant got to swap a recipe with Julie

Selection of afternoon tea on offer

Julie spoke frankly and openly about her experiences on 'Master Chef' and how it's since changed her life.

Following her talk, Julie signed copies of her book

And met some of her fans.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Your Bookshop - Banafsheh Serov

Owner Banafsheh Serov on the cover of Hachette Australia Catalogue.
Her book The Russian Tapestry is due out August 2013.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Your Bookshop celebrates 'May the 4th Be With You' - 2013

Darth fighting Merryland's YB staff to get to his book

Princess Lea at YB Bankstown

RD D2 and Padme

Captain America - YB Rhodes

Padme and Vader sharing a moment

R2 D2 displays some of our Star Wars products

The sword points to Star Wars merchandise!

Vader: I am Your Father!
C3PO: Daddy!!!