About Me

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I am passionate about the written language. I love writing, reading, reviewing, selling and promoting books. I am an independent bookseller with over 20 years of experience in the book trade. Together with my partners, I actively aim to improve our bookstore's range and services to better reflect the needs of our community and clientele. In 2008, my memoir 'Under A Starless Sky' was published by Hachette, Australia. Since then, I had a short story 'Jasmine Petals' published in 'Stories of Belonging' (Finch) and in 2013, released my first full-length novel, The Russian Tapestry, also by Hachette. I am currently writing my second novel. I strive daily to improve my skills and stretch the limits of my craft. My love of books has naturally lead to reviewing. You can follow me on Twitter @B_Serov, Facebook www.facebook.com/BanafshehSerov and Goodreads www.goodreads.com/author/show/1429016.Banafsheh_Serov

Friday, June 12, 2015

Westpoint and Top Ryde stores Closing July 2015

Matt & Kim - Westpoint

YB Westpoint - closing July '15

As I write this, I'm filled with terrible sadness. I love books. Real books. And it's just a natural extension of my love of books that I should also love bookstores. Any bookstore. Old, shambolic ones with books stacked over the floor, and larger, corporate franchises.

In a world where everything is set at hyper-speed, bookstores have always been a refuge from the maddening pace. They are a place of magic, discovery and serendipity. They are no pop-up ads, no hard selling. You get to talk to a real person at the counter, browse through real bookshelves and leaf through real books. This is not an experience that can be replicated on-line.

Sharyn & Craig - YB Ryde
Banafsheh Serov - YB Ryde

In recent years many factors have influenced the operation of our bookstores. The obvious ones are the effects of ebooks and overseas online retail giants encroaching on our market. Heavy discounting from department stores, and more recently the uncertainty in consumer confidence has further chipped away our sales. At the same time, increases in operational costs have eroded our margins to a point that no longer keeps the business viable.

This problem is not exclusive to our stores. It's a common issue facing retailers across the country. Some may argue low prices are a good thing for consumers.

In our case, our bookstores run numerous events, including author talks at local schools and libraries, donate prices to community events, and help customers with more book queries than we can keep track of. In short, we're an integral part of the community. But with our operation (and manpower) greatly reduced, we've been forced to re-evaluate if we're still able to continue the services we've been providing. For the time being, we're persevering with our events program but if the revenues continue to fall, then we simply won't be able to afford to support the programs.

And that can't be a good thing for the community. Or the consumer.

As we prepare to wind up the stores, I get a breaking feeling every time I tell a customer we're closing. We share a look, sensing the other's loss. Neither one of us want it to be true.

On behalf of myself and my staff, I'd like to extend our gratitude to our customers for their patronage and in sharing our passion for books. We hope our paths will cross again and we'd look back with fondness over our shared experiences.

Janella Purcell

Michael Robotham

Janella Bloom

Matthew Reilly
Nathan Hindmarsh

Sydney Writers' Festival- Childrens' Pyjamaverse

Sydney Writers+' Festival- Children's Roadshow

Sydney Author Signing

Julie Goodwin

Lee Holmes
Tim Bowen

Your Bookshop Ryde and Westpoint will have 20% off ALL BOOKS between now and end of trade Sunday June 28th.

Banafsheh Serov

Friday, June 5, 2015

Sydney Writers' Festival 2015 - Banafsheh Serov

Sydney Writers' Festival

I love writers' festivals. It's the coming together of like-minded people; a chance for writers - a solitary profession - to meet readers and others in the publishing world. 

SWF - Walsh Bay

Sydney Writers' Festival is no different. With an array of authors and events, the hardest part is deciding which event to go to. More than once this year, I wished I owned Hermione's Time Turner (or Dr Who's Tardis), so I could attend simultaneous talks.

For me, the Writers' Festival have the additional bonus of adding to my collection of 'signed copy' books. There's something magical in meeting the authors of books I've read and loved, and having them sign my copy. The highlight this year was meeting, David Mitchell (the author, not the comedian) whose latest book, The Bone Clocks, was one of my faves of 2014.

Meeting David Mitchell - SWF 2015

Your Bookshop has always been committed to bringing authors and readers together, whether at our monthly library talks, school events, or our conferences or Expos. 2015 was no exception. This year we were asked to be the booksellers for the combined Random House and Sydney Writers' Festival "James Patterson Live" school event. Best-selling author James Patterson took the stage with Aussie compatriots Tristan Bancks and Martin Chatterton at Parramatta's Riverside Theater. 

It was wonderful seeing the kids enjoy the interactive event. Afterwards, everyone had the chance to meet the authors and have their books signed.
Your Bookshop's stand at "James Patterson Live" school event,
Parramatta Riverside Theatre
Middle School books
Fans meeting Tristan Bancks

School kids meeting Martin Chatterton

Our second event with Sydney Writers' Festival was with author David Hill at Ryde Library.
Over 100 people gathered to hear David's fascinating talk on his book, The Making of Australia.

Setting up for David Hill's event at Ryde Library
David Hill on The Making of Australia
Full house at Ryde Library - SWF 2015                                                              

Our final event was another kids' one, this time with Oliver Phommevanh. Oliver wowed the children at Sydney's Haymarket Library with his workshop, "How to Write Funny Stuff". The kids got first-hand experience on writing funny stories and finding comedy in any situation.

All in all, 2015 Sydney Writers' Festival was the best one yet, with record ticket sales and attendance. I'm already impatient for next year's lineup.

Happy reading,
Banafsheh Serov