Supercharged Events with Lee Holmes
Start of winter is a time when many of us suffer from colds and start to feel run down. It is also the time when we neglect our diets, falling into bad habits. This is why we thought June would be the perfect time to re-think the food we eat, swapping the bad toxic foods with nutritious #supercharged alternatives.
Over three nights at three separate locations, Lee Holmes talked on her personal journey from the collapse of her immune system to total health. Researching the nutritious value of food, Lee described the simple changes we can make that have massive impact to our well being and quality of life.
Lee's latest book Eat Yourself Beautiful |
YB's Banafsheh Serov with Lee Holmes |
All three events attracted sell-out crowds.
If you missed Lee's talk, we have SIGNED copies of Eat Yourself Beautiful at all Your Bookshop stores or buy it online at