About Me

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I am passionate about the written language. I love writing, reading, reviewing, selling and promoting books. I am an independent bookseller with over 20 years of experience in the book trade. Together with my partners, I actively aim to improve our bookstore's range and services to better reflect the needs of our community and clientele. In 2008, my memoir 'Under A Starless Sky' was published by Hachette, Australia. Since then, I had a short story 'Jasmine Petals' published in 'Stories of Belonging' (Finch) and in 2013, released my first full-length novel, The Russian Tapestry, also by Hachette. I am currently writing my second novel. I strive daily to improve my skills and stretch the limits of my craft. My love of books has naturally lead to reviewing. You can follow me on Twitter @B_Serov, Facebook www.facebook.com/BanafshehSerov and Goodreads www.goodreads.com/author/show/1429016.Banafsheh_Serov

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Stories From The Pyjamaverse and Children's Festival of Moving Stories

SWF's Stories From The Pyjamaverse

Your Bookshop was proud to be the bookseller at the inaugural Sydney Writer's Festival's Children's Festival of Moving Stories.

The week long event kicked off with Pyjamaverse at Parramatta Riverside - a fun-filled interactive story-telling evening featuring a host of local celebs and Children authors.

The festival continued with the Children's Author Roadshow with twenty of Australia's best authors and illustrators for children travelling to key libraries across Western Sydney to deliver free talks and workshops for local primary and secondary schools. 

The highlight of the festival were the evening events with the Australian Children's Laureate, Jackie French and the best-selling Australian picture book author, Mem Fox.

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